Apple certified company for Mac’s, iPhone/iPad and Networks.

Helping local businesses and home workers with wired and wireless networks.

Providing support using software to securely access your computer.

We are certified Apple Support Specialists working from our base in Sherborne, Dorset. iSAAC is here to help when your computer technology needs specialist care.

If you’ve got a problem – we can fix it! We offer both on site and remote support for small businesses, home workers and domestic clients.

With over 25 years experience we know that it is important to make sure that we fully understand your needs before we recommend the best solution. We never use “Geek Speak”, but we do have the skills and customer focus that means we always meet, and often exceed our customer’s expectations.

iSAAC Support has expertise with all aspects of Apple systems, and we are as comfortable with Apple, networks as we are with iPhone and iPads.

  • Apple Mac specialists
  • iPhone, iPad
  • Broadband & Wireless Networks
  • Computer Health Checks
  • Software & Device Training